Monday, September 15, 2008

History on Lehman Brothers

Henry Lehman, an immigrant from Germany, opened his small shop in the city of Montgomery, Alabama in 1844. Six years later, he was joined by brothers Emanuel and Mayer, and they named the business Lehman Brothers.
Lehman Brothers, an innovator in global finance, serves the financial needs of corporations, governments and municipalities, institutional clients, and high net worth individuals worldwide. Lehman Brothers maintains leadership positions in equity and fixed income sales, trading and research, investment banking, private investment management, asset management and private equity. The Firm is headquartered in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Tokyo, and operates in a network of offices around the world. In a nutshell they provide cash liquidity to our state and local governments, large corporations that now will have difficulty getting funded for projects.
Lehman Brothers started in the 1840’s and survived the:

• railroad crash of the 1890’s,
• the tock market crash of 1929,
• World War I of 1917,
• World War II of 1939,
• the 1980s real estate crash
• the tech bubble of the 1990’s during the Clinton administration
• 911.

We can all agree that these events listed and many more crises not listed were significant events in history. This might put in perspective at really how bad our current credit crunch. A company with a proud history that has been brought down by poor leadership and greed.

For more details go to:

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